Friday, February 27, 2009

NYU Protests

I recently came across an interesting article about protests at NYU and wanted to share it with my friends Andrey and Aaron. After sending this article that leads with a large NSFW picture to Aaron and my boss instead of Andrey, I learned my lesson to not be so quick to let google autocomplete my typing. Oops.

After a quick apology to my boss, I got a great response from him explaining his original "WTF?" reaction but his ultimate understanding. Then I sent it to Andrey as planned and got a classic response from him: 

"Getting naked to support islamic fundamentalist terrorists is like holding a bonfire to support Australia's wildfire victims... it makes no sense and I don't support them...P.S. I call the brunette"

I can always count on Andrey for a great response, followed by a serious conversation. This time it was about the lack of activism on UCLA's campus and the merits of Undie Run. I'd love to hear additional thoughts.

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